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MK2morrow: One Small Step for Milton Keynes. December 9th - January 2nd, MK Gallery, Milton Keynes

At the close of 2010 Black Dogs exhibited at MK Gallery, Milton Keynes on the invitation of curatorial collective Lost and Found.

In late September 2010 astronomers discovered Gliese 581 g ‘the planet closest in size to Earth known in a habitable zone and the exoplanet with the greatest recognized potential for harbouring life’ yet discovered. Now it is time to start packing! Artist collective Black Dogs believe the inhabitants of Milton Keynes are best qualified to be first in line when setting up camp on this bigger, better Earth.

Black Dogs for MK2morrow were
Andy Abbott, Steven Allbutt, Michael Burkitt, Yvonne Carmichael, Luke Drozd, James Hill, Bryony Pritchard, Dave Ronalds, Eva Rowson and Mick Welbourn